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It is strongly advised that a student vacating a residence hall or apartment/mod for any reason—including but not limited to withdrawal from the College, moving to a different residence hall or apartment/mod, or vacating their room at the end of a semester—have the room formally checked by a member of the residence life staff. Keys must be returned by the date a student officially changes their enrollment status or becomes less than fully enrolled (NOTE: some deadlines result in specific refunds) or within 48 hours of receiving keys to a new room. For specific information on vacating rooms at the end of the academic year, see the residence closing policy [1].
Students who go on medical leave [2] must vacate their on campus rooms within 48 hours after the date on which the leave is granted, as approved by student success and engagement. All residential keys must be returned to the office of residence life [3] upon a student’s departure. Failure to comply with this policy may result in additional charges commensurate with the amount of time a student has taken to vacate their room or to make arrangements with the housing operations office to have articles removed.