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Hampshire College is committed to providing appropriate accommodations to students with disabilities so that all students have meaningful access to all College programs and services, including the community standards proess. This includes accommodations provided under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and related legislation.
All students with disabilities who are involved in the community standards process, including reporting individuals, students alleged to have violated policies, supporters, and witnesses may seek accommodations for any stage of the community standards process, including community standards review board (CSRB) hearings, administrative hearings, informal resolution meetings, incident reviews or investigations, and any pre- or post-hearing meetings.
Any student requesting an accommodation [1] must do so far enough in advance to allow the request to be reviewed and an appropriate accommodation identified and implemented. Although there is no firm deadline beyond which an accommodation cannot be requested, the student will be held accountable for making any request in a timely fashion, and the College may not be able to provide an accommodation which is not requested with reasonable advance notice before the accommodation is needed to allow time for review and implementation. Accordingly, each student seeking an accommodation is strongly encouraged to do so as early as possible in the community standards process.
A request for accommodation [2] must be made to the office of accessibility resources and services (OARS). OARS may consult with the Division for Justice, Equity, and Antiracism (JEA) or designated administrator to determine, based on appropriate legal standards and College policy, what accommodation, if any, is appropriate. The student will be required to provide appropriate documentation from qualified health care professionals to support the request. OARS will make their determination in light of the student’s particular disabilities and the nature of the communtiy standards process, as informed by any consultations, relevant documentation, and relevant previous accommodations provided to the student. Accommodations cannot be applied retroactively; students must arrange for accommodations. The student will be given an explanation of the determination.