Questions or comments? Contact the dean of students office at
All bicycles on campus must be registered. Registration is free of charge and can be completed on TheHub [1] [305] anytime. The decal will be sent to you via campus mail. The registration decal will expire upon the student’s graduation date no longer than five (5) years from original registration.
All bicycles on campus must be stored in approved outdoor bike sheds and secured to a bicycle rack. Bicycles may not be secured to fire hydrants, trees, parking signs, ramps, railings, or left in the path of egress in any building on campus. Bicycles that are inappropriately secured may be immediately removed and/or confiscated.
Bicycles must be removed from campus during the summer break. Bicycles left over the summer will be considered abandoned and will be confiscated and discarded.
The College must continuously remove unregistered bicycles from campus to make room for registered bicycles. Any bicycle in violation of the College’s bicycle policy or unregistered will be confiscated and, if not claimed within thirty (30) days, will be discarded.
Stolen bikes, like any theft on campus, should be reported to Campus Safety and Wellbeing 413-559-5425 [2] immediately. The college is not responcible for any bicycle brought or left on campus, whether secure or not.