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Typically students will receive one or a combination of the following accountability measures for violation of community standards (see Alcohol & Other Drug Accountability Measures section for educational and restorative accountability measures specific to alcohol and other drugs). Depending on the severity of the community standards violation or if multiple violations occurred, additional accountability may also be applied as part of a students accountability and community restoration plan from any of the accountability measures sections.
Behavioral Goal Setting
Students required to engage in behavioral goal setting will meet with a staff member (typically a senior director or other staff member designated by a community standards administrator) to develop clear expectations for behavior in the Hampshire community. This will also provide an opportunity to identify sources of support and resources.
Community or College Service
Students assigned community or college service will complete a project as specified by a community standards administrator or community standards review board (CSRB). A specific number of hours that must be completed may also be specified.
Discussion Circle
Discussion circles are used to provide an opportunity for students to engage with peers who may have violated similar policies to have a discussion with a trained facilitator about how their decisions related to the community standards violation that occurred or other similar experiences impact them and their communities.
Educational Project
Students assigned an educational project will complete a project as specified by a community standards administrator or CSRB.
Restitution may be assigned to a student in situations where their action or behavior resulted in property loss or damage and cover the cost to repair or replace property (belonging either to the College or to an individual). The cost of labor in moving, repairing, or replacing an item may be included. The costs assocaited with restitution may be applied to a student’s account.
Fire Safety Review
Students violating minor fire safety policies will be required to review fire safety information including, but not limited to tips, policy, and educational videos.
Impact Interview
Students assigned an impact interview will be required to interview others and write a reflection based on their personal reflection of a topic and the reflection of others. A community standards administrator or CSRB will specify length and other parameters of the assignment.
Loss of Privileges
Loss for a specific period of time, of privileges such as but not limited to participation in recreational activities or athletics, participation in student groups, holding a signer position in a recognized student group, being able to register a party, being able to register an emotional support animal, being able to register a vehicle to park on campus, participation in social events on campus, etc.
Meeting with Administrator
Students may be assigned to meet with a particular administrator so that they may have the opportunity to reflect on their behavior and experiences around a particular community standards violation or topic.
Intentional Avoidance Notice
An Intentional Avoidance Notice (IAN) (formerly referred to as a No Contact Directive) is a written notice from Hampshire College directing a student to refrain from contacting and intentionally avoiding interaction with another student for a period of time. This applies to communications in-person, online, through phone calls, text messages, third party, social media, and other forms of contact, both on-and off-campus while a student with an active IAN (formerly NCD) against them is enrolled at the College. All IANs are issued mutually, which means both students are instructed to refrain from contacting and interacting with one another. Please note, an IAN is not a legal protective order, restraining order, gag order, or any form of legal directive, instead it is a College directive. Students seeking legal action or recourse will need to examine their options with Amherst Police or private legal counsel.
IANs (formerly NCDs) are issued by the office of community standards and student accountability, or under the direction of the Title IX coordinator. IANs (formerly NCDs) may be interim or permanent at the discretion of the issuing administrator. Interim IANs (formerly NCDs) will be reviewed regularly by the College to assess continued need.
If an IAN may have been violated, a report should be made to either campus safety and wellbeing or the Division of Justice, Equity, and Antiracism (JEA). The report will be reviewed by JEA and/or office of community standards and student accountability and if there is enough information to suggest a violation of the IAN may have occurred the student alleged to have violated the IAN will be referred to the informal or formal community standards resolution process. IANs (formerly NCDs) do not become part of a student's community standards record unless a student is found responsible for failure to comply with the terms of the notice or as an outcome of a community standards resolution meeting or hearing. If found responsible for failure to comply with an IAN a student may face further accountabiility measures, which could include, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion from the College.
IANs (formerly NCDs) are not court imposed restraining orders/orders of protection and do not guarantee that designated parties will avoid sightings or passing interactions on the campus, in communal areas (i.e., dining commons, classrooms, etc.), on the PVTA bus system, or in the local community. In some circumstances, a IAN may restrict a student from parts of the campus, such as a specific residence hall or Mod. The College will ensure all students have access to the academic program in compliance with the IAN. It is a student’s right to seek court orders and other legal protective measures that are enforced by the courts through civil or criminal penalties. The College can provide information for students seeking legal protection.
Research/Reflection Paper
Students assigned a research and/or reflection paper will be asked to write about their behaviors and impact on the community. A community standards administrator or CSRB will specify length and other parameters of the assignment.
Ride-a-Long with Campus Safety & Wellbeing
Students assigned a ride-a-long will have an opportunity to see how campus safety and wellbeing operations work. Students will work directly with campus safety and wellbeing to arrange a ride-a-long.
Trespass Order
A permanent order issued by campus safety and wellbeing stating that the person issued the trespass order is no longer permitted on the Hampshire College owned or leased property. Violation of this order may result in criminal prosecution up to and including arrest.