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Deferred status accountability measures give students an opportunity to change their behavior, actions, or inactionos, while under guidance, before a higher level accountability measure is assigned. Depending on the severity of the community standards violation or if multiple violations occurred, additional accountability measures may also be applied from the other accountability measure sections. It is not a requirement of the informal or formal community standards resolution process that a student receive a deferred status accountability measure prior to other accountability measures.
Deferred Housing Accountabiility Measures
When a student is assigned the Deferred Housing Accountability Measure it means there is a specific behavior or behaviors that must be corrected or one or more of the following housing accountability measures may result - housing lottery restriction, administrative move, or removal from campus housing. Community standards administrators or CSRBs may impose other housing-related accountability measures other than those listed here based on the nature of the incident.
Deferred Suspension or Expulsion Accountability Measure
When a student is assigned the Deferred Suspension or Expulsion Accountability Measure it means there is a specific behavior or behaviors that must be corrected or immediate suspension or expulsion from Hampshire College may result.
Deferred Restriction or Removal of Privileges Accountability Measure
When a student is assigned the Deferred Loss of Privileges Accountabilitty Measure it means there is a specific behavior or behaviors that must be corrected or a privilege will be restricted or removed.
Deferred Administrative Notice Accountability Measure
When a student is assigned the Deferred Administrative Notice Accountability Measure (formerly known as probation) it means there is a specific behavior or behaviors that must be corrected or an administrative notice accountability measure will be assigned.