Students may invite guests on-campus, including in residence halls and mod permitted they will accompany and take responsibility for the guest and their actions at all times. Guests in mods may only be present if it is mutually agreed upon by modmates and is allowed for in the modmate agreement. The following restrictions are in place related to guests/visitors:
- Guests/visitors must be legally 18 years or older. Students who would like to host a guest/visitor on-campus who is a minor (under the age of 18 years of age) are not permitted on-campus or in residence halls and mods without parent/legal guardian permission. Permission must be received in the form of written consent from a parent/legal guardian that provides the name, date of birth, and permanent address of the minor and the name of the student who is authorized to host them on-campus by the parent/legal guardian. Parents/legal guardians must also provide emergency contact information that can be utilized to contact the parent/legal guardian as necessary. Any student interested in hosting a minor guest/visitor on-campus must contact Campus Safety & Wellbeing at least 72 hours in advance to request permission by emailing and to receive further instruction. The decision of whether a student is allowed to host a minor will be determined by Campus Safety & Wellbeing in consultation with Residence Life team members.
- Students are permitted to have overnight guests in their residence hall or mod as long as the host is on campus during the entire time the guest is present. If the host is leaving campus, they are required to have the guest leave campus with them.
- Hosts must register overnight guests , which includes indicating the length of the visit, which may never exceed one (1) week at a time or more than fifteen (15) days cumulatively in a semester, even if the guest has had more than one host. Students are allowed to have a maximum of one overnight guest on campus at a time.
- Guests’ vehicles must be registered with campus safety and wellbeing as specified in the parking policy .
- Overnight guests may be restricted over winter and summer intersessions unless specified in the application process for those requesting and approved to stay during that period.
All visitors and overnight guests are expected to abide by Hampshire College’s Community Standards; this includes not bringing an animal into the residence hall or mod unless it is a registered service animal. Responsibility for the behavior and safety of guests lies with the host. Any damage caused by a visitor/guest, whether or not they have been registered, will be the responsibility of the host. Any visitor/guest whose behavior is disruptive will be required to leave campus.
Hampshire College reserves the right to alter and adapt guest and visitor policies and will notify individuals or the campus community in these instances. Additionally, Hampshire College can restrict individuals from hosting guests and/or restrict specific individuals from being guests on campus.
Questions related to the guest policy should be directed to Campus Safety and Wellbeing at or the Office of Residence Life at .