There are three other requirements that students fulfill during Division II (semesters 3 - 6) in addition to fulfilling the requirements agreed upon between students and committees documented in Division II contracts.
Race and Power Requirement for Division II
During their Division II concentration, students are required to build an awareness of race in relation to methodology and epistemology. Every student is expected to critically reflect on the role of race in perpetuating inequality in the disciplines, practices and transdisciplinary areas of knowledge that they specialize in during their Division II studies.
Students take a 200 level course or course equivalent that is tagged Race and Power (For 5C courses, students must have this agreed to by their advisor). Here are some examples on course equivalents:
- Students take a Division II Seminar/Workshop. All Division II Seminars/Workshops will focus on developing an interdisciplinary methodology or practice and instructors must include a critical analysis of Race & Power in that discipline or artistic practice.
- Students do an independent study that centers Race and Power (supervised by a faculty member)
- Students take a Division II EPEC or project-based course that centers Race and Power.
Co-Curricular & Extra-curricular
A minimum of 40 hours of Race and Power activities. Here are some examples of activities that can be used to fulfill this:
- Engaging in a semester-long Race and Power focused field study (can also be considered curricular)
- Students present/facilitate an event that centers Race and Power at one of the two annual Engage Conferences (with sponsor).
- Students present/facilitate an event that centers Race and Power at an LC forum (with sponsor).
- Students take a set of trainings on off-campus community partnerships.
- Students take anti-racism training and/or join a campus-wide committee focused on Race and Power.
- Students undertake an independent or special project that centers Race and Power (with sponsor).
- Students Engage in a Race and Power focused internship during or immediately preceding DIV II.
- Serving as a student leader or performing service with an Race and Power focus (some examples: student member of the R&P committee, signer for an ethnic/racial student group, serving on a campus-wide committee or project with an Race and Power focus, helping organize and present at a Community Day of Learning (CDL), serving as an RA in charge of Race and Power programming)
***Any of the ways that students fulfill the Race and Power requirement can be combined with:
- Paid student work
- Internships that are paid or taken to accrue credit
- Other academic requirements (such asCEL 2)
For example, a student that is a signer for a SOURCE group can count that work as fulfilling Race and Power and CEL or a student that is being paid to organize Race and Power programming can count that towards the requirement.
Community Engaged Learning (CEL-2)
The Community Engaged Learning - 2 (CEL-2) requirement encourages students to build community on and off campus in order to help address critical needs, as defined by communities and organizations while advancing their own learning.
Division II Supported Project
In preparation for the year-long Division III project, all Division II students undertake a semester-long project guided by faculty, staff, and/or community partners. These projects help students develop the skills necessary to initiate, plan, and complete significant independent work and to relate the results to a community context. Students may complete this project during any semester of Division II through a specially-designated course, an independent study, or a Special Project.